Safeguarding 1 Training Northern Ireland

Child welfare and protection is the overarching policy for Swim Ireland and must be a priority for anyone working with and responsible for children.

Swim Ireland is committed to providing a duty of care to ensure the safest possible environment for the young people involved in our sport. We live this by providing staff members, affiliated club personnel and every course learner with training opportunities to act in the best interests of young people in aquatics.

This course provides participants with an understanding of a child-centred environment in sport whilst also setting out the statutory guidance for responding to and reporting concerns of abuse. This course is mandatory for all positions involved with young people and is highly recommended for parents to give an understanding of the responsibilities in a sports club.

Minimum age to attend this course is 16 years-old. Learners between the ages of 16 and 18 require parental consent to attend this course – the consent form will be attached to your booking confirmation. You must be based in Northern Ireland to attend this course. If you are based in the Republic of Ireland, check our Education Calendar for Safeguarding courses for those based in the Republic of Ireland.

Prior to booking please ensure you read the Swim Ireland Education Policies and Procedures. You are required to understand and consent to these policies, prior to booking. Please note that Swim Ireland may cancel the course at any time.

Cost: €20 (exclusive of credit/debit card payment surcharge of 2%)

You will receive the Zoom link to enter the course approximately 24 hours prior to the commencement of the course. It is imperative you have stable internet access on a computer. You are able to access the course via a computer/laptop, tablet or smartphone. Some functionality is lost on a smartphone so a computer/laptop is best.

The requirements for awarding a certificate at the end of the course are:

  • Video cameras should be on – if you have a problem with your camera, you must let the tutor know when you join either through the chat function or by verbally informing the tutor
  • Polls will be posted throughout the course – you must answer all the polls; this is used as a check of attendance
  • Breakout rooms will be used for group discussions – you must join the breakout room; this is used as a check of attendance
  • Attentiveness is based on trust for any virtual classroom; however, if participants do not take part in the polls or the breakout rooms, the participant may be removed by the tutor for non-attendance and the participant will not receive the certificate of attendance for the course.
  • All courses operate as a classroom environment, candidates must be in a quiet, private room with no distractions when completing the course. Attending a course while driving a vehicle is a serious health and safety risk to the candidate and other road users and will result in expulsion from the course.
  • Parents/ carers of candidates age under 18 are responsible for ensuring that their child is supervised.
  • All information shared within the course between fellow candidates and tutor will be kept confidential and all candidates will be respectful of each other and the tutor.
  • If additional help is required, please contact the Education team and the necessary resources will be provided upon request.

Please note, recipients of this Zoom link are not permitted to share it with third parties except with the express permission of Swim Ireland. Certification will not be available to non-registrants.

Please enter the room five minutes before the start of the course and note that the room will be locked fifteen minutes into the session.


Nov 13 2024


6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
QR Code
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